Aligni for Supply Chain Managers

Manage All RFQs from One Screen

When buyers utilize the built-in ActiveQuote capabilities, they not only see current quotes in process and their status, but buyers can sort these by date created and by whom. Further, the quote view can be filtered by which stage of the process the quotes are in within Aligni.  Buyers may choose to view only drafts, pending, open, or closed quotes – all within the Supply Chain dashboard pictured in the header at the top of the page.

The quotes panel in Aligni that lists quotes currently open and older, closed quotes

Track Purchases

Aligni also follows purchase orders and their process all the way to material receipt at the company’s facility.  On the Supply Chain Dashboard, buyers can see all purchases, their issue date, the vendor, and the current status. Purchase order filtration operates in the same fashion as what can be done with quotes.

The Aligni purchase history panel displaying past orders

Connect Quotes and Orders to Production

At Aligni, we know that purchasing operations don’t happen in a vacuum. The Builds section of the Supply Chain Dashboard connects the buying operations to the needs of the shop floor. This section line-lists the needs of production and whether the materials are allocated, reserved, or need to be requisitioned. Aligni also summarizes the information in its Build Calendar at the top of the section. The calendar provides buyers with a quick, visual understanding of the needs of production. Instead of digging through lists, supply chain managers can more easily focus on what’s needed and when.

Aligni Build Manager panel with build calendar providing visual understanding of build scheduling needs

Explore what Aligni can do for your organization

Learn More About Aligni

These aspects are just a few of the capabilities Aligni’s Supply Chain Dashboard provides to buyers and purchasing managers. Learn more about how Aligni can help you handle safety stock, manage inventory time lines and streamline supply chain operations.

Sign up today or try the demo to get a deeper understanding of what Aligni MRP can do to enhance your supply chain operations!

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