
  • Accounts and Organizations Restructuring

    Accounts and Organizations Restructuring

    Accounts, Invitations, and Collaborators As you know, several months ago, we updated our accounts to use unique email addresses as a credential for accessing Aligni. We have also merged several user accounts to allow those…

  • Fresh Paint – New Settings Layout

    Fresh Paint – New Settings Layout

    Today we rolled out a new layout and hierarchy for our organization and user account settings. More than just rolling on a fresh coat of paint, however, we revisited all settings and rebuilt the hierarchy…

  • Tell a Story with Aligni ECM

    Tell a Story with Aligni ECM

    The essence of product lifecycle management (PLM) is to engage with the life of your product throughout its entire lifecycle – from conceptualization to development, from prototype to production, through maintenance, and ultimately obsolescence. Engineering…

  • Minor API Update

    Minor API Update

    An error in the API for subparts was recently brought to our attention. We will be deploying an update to the API over the weekend of June 24 / 25 but wanted to make you…

  • Notice of New TLS 1.2 Requirement

    Notice of New TLS 1.2 Requirement

    TLS 1.2 Requirement Starting 30 November 2016, TLS 1.2 will be required for all browser and API connections to Aligni. While many of you may not know what this means, the good news is that…

  • Fall 2016 Newsletter

    Fall 2016 Newsletter

    This update comes a bit later than we were hoping, but here are a few of the things we’ve been working on recently. We’ve got some great things coming in our next update, too! Two-Factor Authentication…

  • Fall 2015 Newsletter

    Fall 2015 Newsletter

    Over the past few months, we’ve seen a number of enhancements to Aligni and have more in progress. A number of these updates have been sponsored by customers through our Bespoke Support. Thank you for…